2008年11月30日 星期日

Reference Translation of Exercise 5 (movie caption - Marco Polo)

Marco Polo wrote about his travels while he was in prison
That obviously is going to affect the way he presents his information.
He’s at a different time in his life and he wants to attract an audience
So he’s going to emphasize the strangest and the most interesting
rather the ordinary elements of his travel.
From his squalid cell in Italy,
Marco wrote about the luxurious court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol King,
which he supposedly reached in 1275.
He told how in Shengdu, the city later immortalized as Xanadu,

Xanadu, also Shangdu or Shang-tu (Chinese: 上都; pinyin: Shàngdū), also known as Kaiping (simplified Chinese: 开平; traditional Chinese: 開平; pinyin: Kāi Píng), was the summer capital of Kublai Khan's Yuan Dynasty in China, after he decided to move the capital of the Yuan Dynasty to Dadu, present-day Beijing. The city was located in what is now called Inner Mongolia, 275 kilometres (171 mi) north of Beijing, about 28 kilometres (17 mi) northwest of the modern town of Duolun.
Xanadu was visited by Venetian explorer Marco Polo in 1275; it became fabled as a metaphor for opulence(wealth), most famously in the English Romantic Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem Kubla Khan.

Kubla Khan; or, A Vision in a Dream: A Fragment" is a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which takes its title from the Mongol and Chinese emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty.
The poem's opening lines are often quoted, and it introduces the name Xanadu (or Shangdu, the summer palace of Kublai Khan):
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
Coleridge claimed that the poem was inspired by an opium-induced dream (implicit in the poem's subtitle A Vision in a Dream) but that the composition was interrupted by a person from Porlock. Some have speculated that the vivid imagery of the poem stems from a waking hallucination albeit, most likely, opium-induced. Additionally a quotation from William Bartram[1] is believed to have been a source of the poem. There is widespread speculation on the poem's meaning, some suggesting the author is merely portraying his vision while others insist on a theme or purpose. Others believe it is a poem stressing the beauty of creation, and some read sexual allusions throughout.
However, it is important to remember that inspiration for this poem also comes from Marco Polo's description of Shangdu and Kublai Khan from his book Il Milione, which was included in Samuel Purchas' Pilgrimage, Vol. XI, 231.

the trial of his 4 year journey suddenly seemed worthwhile.
“The Khan’s palace is the largest in the world.
The roof is ablaze with every color
it glitters like crystals and sparkles from afar.
The hall is so vast that it could seat 6000 for one banquet.”
The descriptions that Macro Polo provides for us,
descriptions of Xanadu for example, the summer palace of Kublai Khan
dovetail with what we know of the archaeology of that city.
The city was excavated in the 1930’s by the Japanese
and they found that the placement of the buildings
and the style of the buildings
was exactly the way Macro Polo had described them.


The Venetian trader was equally impressed, it seems,
by the mighty Yangtze rive.
“It is the greatest river in the world.
More boats loaded with more dear things and of greatest value come and go
by this river than by all the rivers and seas used by the Christians.”
Macro could not have asked for more.
He had made it safely to China.
He had discovered a land of unimaginable wealth.
His quest to establish a lucrative trade connection with the east
was very much on course.
