2009年1月31日 星期六

Winter break translation exercise 1 - translate the following piece of interesting news into Chinese (your winter break homework)

Solved: the mystery of why locusts swarm

Neurochemical transforms loner insects into collective menace

By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Friday, 30 January 2009

They first became famous in the Book of Exodus as the eighth of the 10 plagues of Egypt, but it has taken another few thousand years – and the skills of modern scientists – to work out why desert locusts suddenly swarm in vast numbers.

Desert locusts usually live shy, solitary lives. But every now and again they join together in gregarious bands that actively seek out each other until they form hungry swarms. These can contain a billion or more individuals that each day can devour their own body weight, with devastating consequences for crops and vegetation.

How this dramatic transformation comes about has been a mystery since biblical times – which is why locust plagues were often seen as acts of God. Now scientists have discovered a link to a neurochemical called serotonin, found in the brains of many animals including humans.

A study by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Sydney has found a build-up of serotonin in the nerves of the middle part of the locust's body controlling its legs and wings causes, within the space of a couple of hours, the solitary locust to turn into its swarming alter-ego.

The finding opens the possibility of stopping the process long before it happens, by blocking the action of serotonin.

This could be used to prevent the massive destruction of crops that occurs when locusts swarm – a threat affecting the livelihoods of one-tenth of the world's population. Globally there are about a dozen species of swarm-forming locust in a belt covering some 20 per cent of the world's landmass, from north Africa to China.

Last November, a locust swarm 3.7 miles long devastated agricultural production in parts of Australia, and in 2004 half the crops of Mauritania were lost as a result of similar locust swarms.

The transition usually happens after rainfall has caused an explosion in numbers. During a subsequent drought, the solitary locusts are forced closer together on smaller patches of remaining vegetation. It is this enforced mingling that triggers the physical change from solitary to gregarious, said Steve Rogers of Cambridge University, a member of the group behind the study, which is published in the journal Science.

"The gregarious phase is a strategy born of desperation and driven by hunger – swarming is a response to find pastures new," said Dr Rogers.

"We have now found the mechanism that controls the process. We've opened the black box of how this works," he said.

Swidbert Ott, a member of the Cambridge team, said: "Serotonin profoundly influences how humans behave and interact, so to find the same chemical causes a normally shy insect to form huge groups is amazing."

4 則留言:

wonderwan 提到...

My reference translation:

Solved: the mystery of why locusts swarm
Neurochemical transforms loner insects into collective menace
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Friday, 30 January 2009

They first became famous in the Book of Exodus as the eighth of the 10 plagues of Egypt, but it has taken another few thousand years – and the skills of modern scientists – to work out why desert locusts suddenly swarm in vast numbers.
Desert locusts usually live shy, solitary lives. But every now and again they join together in gregarious bands that actively seek out each other until they form hungry swarms. These can contain a billion or more individuals that each day can devour their own body weight, with devastating consequences for crops and vegetation.
How this dramatic transformation comes about has been a mystery since biblical times – which is why locust plagues were often seen as acts of God. Now scientists have discovered a link to a neurochemical called serotonin, found in the brains of many animals including humans.
A study by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Sydney has found a build-up of serotonin in the nerves of the middle part of the locust's body controlling its legs and wings causes, within the space of a couple of hours, the solitary locust to turn into its swarming alter-ego.
The finding opens the possibility of stopping the process long before it happens, by blocking the action of serotonin.
This could be used to prevent the massive destruction of crops that occurs when locusts swarm – a threat affecting the livelihoods of one-tenth of the world's population. Globally there are about a dozen species of swarm-forming locust in a belt covering some 20 per cent of the world's landmass, from north Africa to China.
Last November, a locust swarm 3.7 miles long devastated agricultural production in parts of Australia, and in 2004 half the crops of Mauritania were lost as a result of similar locust swarms.
The transition usually happens after rainfall has caused an explosion in numbers. During a subsequent drought, the solitary locusts are forced closer together on smaller patches of remaining vegetation. It is this enforced mingling that triggers the physical change from solitary to gregarious, said Steve Rogers of Cambridge University, a member of the group behind the study, which is published in the journal Science.
"The gregarious phase is a strategy born of desperation and driven by hunger – swarming is a response to find pastures new," said Dr Rogers.
"We have now found the mechanism that controls the process. We've opened the black box of how this works," he said.
Swidbert Ott, a member of the Cambridge team, said: "Serotonin profoundly influences how humans behave and interact, so to find the same chemical causes a normally shy insect to form huge groups is amazing."

Jo Shen 提到...


Solved: the mystery of why locusts swarm
Neurochemical transforms loner insects into collective menace

By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Friday, 30 January 2009

They first became famous in the Book of Exodus as the eighth of the 10 plagues of Egypt, but it has taken another few thousand years – and the skills of modern scientists – to work out why desert locusts suddenly swarm in vast numbers.

Desert locusts usually live shy, solitary lives. But every now and again they join together in gregarious bands that actively seek out找出 each other until they form hungry swarms. These can contain a billion or more individuals that each day can devour their own body weight, with devastating consequences for crops and vegetation.

How this dramatic transformation comes about has been a mystery since biblical times – which is why locust plagues were often seen as acts of God. Now scientists have discovered a link to a neurochemical called serotonin, found in the brains of many animals including humans.

A study by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Sydney has found a build-up of serotonin in the nerves of the middle part of the locust's body controlling its legs and wings causes, within the space of a couple of hours, the solitary locust to turn into its swarming alter-ego.
The finding opens the possibility of stopping the process long before it happens, by blocking the action of serotonin.

This could be used to prevent the massive destruction of crops that occurs when locusts swarm – a threat affecting the livelihoods of one-tenth of the world's population. Globally there are about a dozen species of swarm-forming locust in a belt covering some 20 percent of the world's landmass, from north Africa to China.

Last November, a locust swarm 3.7 miles long devastated agricultural production in parts of Australia, and in 2004 half the crops of Mauritania were lost as a result of similar locust swarms.

The transition usually happens after rainfall has caused an explosion in numbers. During a subsequent drought, the solitary locusts are forced closer together on smaller patches of remaining vegetation. It is this enforced mingling that triggers the physical change from solitary to gregarious, said Steve Rogers of Cambridge University, a member of the group behind the study, which is published in the journal Science.

"The gregarious phase is a strategy born of desperation and driven by hunger – swarming is a response to find pastures new," said Dr Rogers.

"We have now found the mechanism that controls the process. We've opened the black box of how this works," he said.
Swidbert Ott, a member of the Cambridge team, said: "Serotonin profoundly influences how humans behave and interact, so to find the same chemical causes a normally shy insect to form huge groups is amazing."

Yu En 提到...

F4A . 1094301044 . Yu En




2009年 1月30 星期五












wonderwan 提到...

To Joe:

1. swarm 譯為"過境"似顯不當

2. "神經化學品把孤軍奮鬥變為集體行動" seems to deviate from the source text


3. "而它發生在幾千年後,"seems to be incorrect.

(而在幾千年後 ((花費了好幾千年後)),)

4. "離群索居"?

5. "現在科學家已經發現鏈接神經化學品的物質,稱為血清素" seems to be incorrect.


6. "每兩三個小時,獨居的蝗蟲就會變成另一個群體。" seems to be incorrect.


7. "這個過渡時期,通常會發生在降雨量產生遽變之後。" seems to be erroneous.


8. "「正是這種強迫,使其混合,引發了獨居變成群居的物理變化。」" seems to be erroneous.


9. "深深影響人類是如何做出行為和相互影響,所以發現這個相同的化學成分會使通常離群索居的昆蟲形成龐大的群體,是很驚人的。」" is mistaken.

(see my reference translation above)