2009年4月26日 星期日

Group Excercise 6 - Tour book

海洋首都 -- 高雄歡迎您!



飛躍中港都 -- 高雄,這個民風勤樸、熱情豪邁,有山、有河、有湖,有港的城市,誠摯的市民將熱誠地接待您,享受這裡多采多姿的旅遊,讓您留下永遠難以忘懷的回憶。


Below is for your reference when translating above article:

New York City is the most populous city in the United States, while the New York metropolitan area ranks among the world's most populous urban areas. It is a leading global city, exerting a powerful influence over worldwide commerce, finance, culture, fashion and entertainment. The city is also an important center for international affairs, hosting the United Nations headquarters.

Located on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. It is the most densely populated major city in the United States, with an estimated 8,274,527 people occupying just under 305 square miles (790 km2). The New York metropolitan area's population is also the nation's highest, estimated at 18,815,988 people over 6,720 square miles (17,400 km2).[6]

New York is notable among American cities for its high use and 24-hour availability of mass transit, and for the overall density and diversity of its population. In 2005, nearly 170 languages were spoken in the city and 36% of its population was born outside the United States.[7][8] The city is sometimes referred to as "The City that Never Sleeps", while other nicknames include Gotham[9] and the Big Apple.[10]

New York was founded as a commercial trading post by the Dutch in 1624. The settlement was called New Amsterdam until 1664 when the colony came under British control.[11] New York served as the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790,[12] and has been the nation's largest city since 1790.[13]

Today, the city has many landmarks and neighborhoods that are world famous. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they came to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Wall Street, in Lower Manhattan, has been a dominant global financial center since World War II and is home to the New York Stock Exchange. The city has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world, including the Empire State Building and the twin towers of the former World Trade Center.

New York is the birthplace of many cultural movements, including the Harlem Renaissance in literature and visual art, abstract expressionism (also known as the New York School) in painting, and hip hop,[14] punk,[15] salsa, disco and Tin Pan Alley in music. It is the home of Broadway theater.

2009年4月24日 星期五

Bonus exercise 6 - tour book

Kaohsiung City Tourism Guide

Tourist Sites


腹地 hinterland
沙洲 sand bar
航道 navigation channel
水域 water area (covered)

Reference translation for exercise 5 (cultural translation)


I am illiterate.

In a sutra library, there was a Ch'an practitioner (Zen monk) who meditated all day without reading any sutra. The librarian was curious and he asked,

'Sir, you meditate here everyday. Why don't you read sutras?'

'Because I don't read,' replied frankly the Ch'an practitioner.

'Why don't you ask somebody for help?' said the librarian.

'Whom (Who) can I ask then?' challenged the practitioner.

'Well, you can ask me for help,' responded directly (unreservedly; bluntly) the librarian.

The practitioner stood up, bowed with his palms held together, and he asked, 'May I ask what “this” is?'

The librarian had nothing to say in reply to his question. Because the 'this' referred to the self, and we cannot just express the self with words (verbally).


In Ch'an school, we don't rely on either verbal language or scriptures as the basis of teaching, because they cannot represent the truth of self nature. Though the Ch'an practitioner never read any sutra, he could still practice Ch'an by sitting in meditation diligently everyday. Ch'an is not confined to scriptures. If you meditate diligently and seriously, you can still realize the truth of self nature.

2009年4月11日 星期六

何謂"禪"與"自性" (cultural translation exercise)

For cul-translation, you must first understand what the word, phrase or even the paragraph really means and its relevant cultural background; otherwise, you may produce disastrous rendering - if you translate literally.

What is “Ch’an (Zen)”?


明心見性 (自性真如) - 佛教之精髓,超生脫死之重要關鍵
我等眾生,本具如來智慧德相,靈明空寂,與佛 無殊。只因無明不覺,顛倒妄執,動亂不已,造業受報,才由共業感現山河大地,復由別業招來十二類生。由是周而復始,循環不已,故而生死輪迴不息。今欲回復 本來,出離生死,首須覺破無明。以無明不破,迷己逐物,見境生心,生死絕不能了。

以是一切經論,所有法門,無不圍繞著這一中心——明心見性——來闡揚發明,使人們得以覺破迷情,消除無明,離妄返真,就路歸家。佛教之所以異於他教,超越外 道者,其原因即在切中眾生生死與還滅之根源,而此根源又在明心見性與否。故明心見性,實乃佛教之精髓,超生脫死之重要關鍵也。

2009年4月4日 星期六

Group Exercise 5 - Cultural Translation




2009年4月3日 星期五

Reference Translation of Exercise 4 (Aphorism)

人生多欲為苦 -- 人常被"欲"所牽引而造業。

People suffer from endless desires, which draw us to create bad karma.

Or, People suffer from endless desires, which draw us to do evil and seed bad fortunes in next life.

Bonus translation exercise 5 (Aphorism 3)(cul-translation)


2009年4月1日 星期三

Bonus translation exercise 4 (Aphorism 2)

人生多欲為苦 -- 人常被"欲"所牽引而造業。

Reference translation for bonus translaton exercise 3


When indulging ourselves in a life of ease, we can easily disorient.
While occasional setbacks or upheavals can virtually awaken our conscience and nurture the goodness within us.