F3A 1094301013 MayForm is emptiness and the very emptiness is form.
G4A 1094302011 Winnie Jiang色即是空,空即是色Don't care for worldly affairs because it is hollow.However we can live carefree;we have known it is illusory.
To May:维基百科,自由的百科全书跳转到: 导航, 搜索色即是空可能指以下其中一个意思: 1. 佛教用语,沿自《般若波罗密多心经》,前后数句是:“色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色。”空,表示少,虚无,没有等抽象概念;色,空的对立面,表示多,现实,存在。 “色即是空,空即是色”包含了事物相互转化的哲学道理。 注:现代人对这里的‘色’常误解为色情的意思,是对原文的曲解。
To Yu En:Your understanding of the source text seems not so correct.Try to study more about what the ST really means before translating it.
F4A Jo Shen 沈奕君 1094301004All the substances are empty, and all the emptiness are substance phenomena. 一切物質現象皆是空,而一切空也正是物質現象
This world could not be defined into specific ways. Your definitions could be different form others’ because the world is presented by man’s personal feelings.
everything is visible,the immaterial is the material.
What we faced were unreal.Unreal is the concrete fact that we face.
F4A . 1094301044 . Yu En Appearance is nil,while nil is appearance.
Form is emptiness and emptiness is form
All the visible is invisible , and all the immaterial is material.
G4A 1094302015 Lianne LiEverything visible is nil; the immaterial is material.色即是空,空即是色
Group6/S4A/1094303009/Mary Chang/仉政仁Material form is invisible and invisible emptiness is material
Reference translation:Form is emptiness, while emptiness is form.
This bonus exercise is closed!
The alternative translation for this aphorism is --Abundance is emptiness, while emptiness is abundance.
18 則留言:
F3A 1094301013 May
Form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form.
G4A 1094302011 Winnie Jiang
Don't care for worldly affairs because it is hollow.
However we can live carefree;we have known it is illusory.
To May:
跳转到: 导航, 搜索
1. 佛教用语,沿自《般若波罗密多心经》,前后数句是:“色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色。”空,表示少,虚无,没有等抽象概念;色,空的对立面,表示多,现实,存在。 “色即是空,空即是色”包含了事物相互转化的哲学道理。 注:现代人对这里的‘色’常误解为色情的意思,是对原文的曲解。
To Yu En:
Your understanding of the source text seems not so correct.
Try to study more about what the ST really means before translating it.
F4A Jo Shen 沈奕君 1094301004
All the substances are empty, and all the emptiness are substance phenomena.
This world could not be defined into specific ways. Your definitions could be different form others’ because the world is presented by man’s personal feelings.
everything is visible,the immaterial is the material.
What we faced were unreal.
Unreal is the concrete fact that we face.
F4A . 1094301044 . Yu En
Appearance is nil,while nil is appearance.
Form is emptiness and emptiness is form
All the visible is invisible , and all the immaterial is material.
G4A 1094302015 Lianne Li
Everything visible is nil; the immaterial is material.
Group6/S4A/1094303009/Mary Chang/仉政仁
Material form is invisible and invisible emptiness is material
Reference translation:
Form is emptiness, while emptiness is form.
This bonus exercise is closed!
The alternative translation for this aphorism is --
Abundance is emptiness, while emptiness is abundance.