2009年3月2日 星期一

(Attention; Notes; Warning; Watch out! Danger!)
(Notice to Hikers and climbers)
(Notice of Hiking and Climbing in the Park)

1. 園區內保存自然原始,常有毒蛇、毒蟲及野生動物出沒,部分地區氣候變化、地形險峻,並有崩塌落石等,遊客務必注意自身安全,以防意外發生。
Since the park is deliberately kept natural and original, there are poisonous snakes, insects, and wild animals inside. The weather in the park is changeable (unpredictable). There are steep cliffs and falling stones in some areas. Please take caution to avert accidents when touring in the park.

(The park is preserved to keep its natural wildness, so there are potential hazards such as poisonous snakes, insects and wild animals.)

(The park is preserved as a wildness filled with natural wonders. You may encounter vipers, poisonous insects and wild animals within the park.)

2. 避免污染環境,請勿攜帶寵物入園,廢棄物請攜帶下山,排泄物請妥善處理。To prevent environmental pollution, pets are not allowed in the park. Do not leave trash in the park and dispose of excrement properly.

body waste, excrement, excreta, excretory product, excretion, stool - waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

poop, shit, shite, turd, crap, dirt - obscene terms for feces

droppings, dung, muck - fecal matter of animals

3. 嚴禁升營火,謹防森林火災。
Campfire is strictly forbidden to prevent forest conflagration.

4. 高山溪湖冰冷,避免下水游泳,以維安全及清潔,並請節約用水。
The water in the rivers and lakes of the park is ice-cold. For your safety, swimming is discouraged. The water resources in the park are scarce; please use economically and keep them clean.

5. 敬請遵守國家公園法等相關規定,違者依規辦理。
Please observe National Park laws and regulations, or shall be prosecuted accordingly.

Yushan National Park
(Date of issue)
