2009年3月16日 星期一

Reference translation for "car top camping"


家住台中的大自然玩家余東樺指出,花蓮地區每逢連續假期一房難求,他和�?R好休閒旅遊的朋友們乾脆在轎車或休旅車架上「車頂帳」,絲毫不受假期訂不到房 的影響,這股風氣近年來也開始在各縣市流行。


Travelers to Hualien County’s Chihsingtan Scenic Area and other scenic spots along the east coast ever since Lunar New Year may have noticed a new trend — car roof top camping. The roof top tents represent a new way of travel in Taiwan.
Yu Tong-hua, a lover of the great outdoors from Taichung, said that he and his friends decided to attach roof tents to their cars and SUVs, because most hotels were overbooked in the Hualien area over extended holiday periods. With their car roof tents, they didn’t have to worry about finding a place to stay and their pleasure wouldn’t be spoiled during holidays. This convenience has spread across Taiwan in recent years.

All of the equipment for a car roof tent is kept in a rack on top of the car, and you can set the tent up or tear it down within only about 15 minutes. This convenience allows people to save a lot of time and trouble as long as the car is on a flat surface.
