2009年5月30日 星期六

Reference translation for group exercise 8

Norway Building Seed Noah’s Ark in the Arctic


Oslo (AP) -- The government of Norway announced on February 10 that they would build a large “doomsday vault” in a remote mountain of the Arctic from March. The vault will be used to save over 3 million seeds of known plants as “Noah’s Ark for food crops”. If the Earth suffers catastrophes, such as nuclear war or meteor impact, we can restore our agriculture.
(The government of Norway announces that they will build a large…)

據中新社2月10日電,種子庫名為「斯瓦爾巴國際種子庫 Svalbard」,將建於挪威大陸以北約1000公里的斯瓦爾巴群島 Svalbard archipelago 一座山中,耗資約500萬美元,預計將於明年落成使用。種子庫建在120米深的山中,以隧道與外界相連,隧道與洞穴內墻以混凝土建造。所有種子樣本會在-18℃的環境中儲存。就算機械冷卻系統失靈,周邊凍土層 permafrost 仍可提供天然冷凍效果。洞內設兩大儲藏室,面積各360平方米。
CNS reported on February 10 that a global seed bank would be open next year. This seed bank, known as “svalbard Global Seed Vault,” will be built in a mountain of Svalbard Archipelago at a cost of 5 million dollars. It will be built into a mountainside 120 meters deep, and connected with outside world through a tunnel. All the seed samples will be stored at -18℃. Even if the facility fails, the natural surrounding permafrost can still safeguard the seeds. There will be 2 large storerooms covering 360 square meters each in the vault.

Dr. Fowler, program manager, indicated that they would try to avoid human intervention with the seed vault. So they would not install any full-time staff in the vault, but rather send people to check the operational conditions only once a year. The severe cold environment there could help preserve the seeds from damage, Dr. Fowler said.
