2009年5月2日 星期六

Reference Translation of Exercise 6 (tour book)

海洋首都 -- 高雄歡迎您!
Welcome to Kaohsiung – The Capital of Sea (The Maritime Capital of Taiwan)

Located in the southwest of Taiwan, Kaohiung city borders Taiwan Strait on (to) the east, connects Bashi Channel on the south, and sits on the critical sea lane between Northeast Asia and South Pacific. It not only occupies a strategic position but also is an ideal commercial harbor. Owing to the excellent geographic conditions, this city has been being internationalized in recent years.

Kaohiung, the largest commercial harbor in Taiwan and the third largest container harbor in the world, with its affluent human resources, excellent geographic conditions, the warm sunny climate tempered by ocean, and the recent growing economy, has postured as an international metropolis.

飛躍中港都 -- 高雄,這個民風勤樸、熱情豪邁,有山、有河、有湖,有港的城市,誠摯的市民將熱誠地接待您,享受這裡多采多姿的旅遊,讓您留下永遠難以忘懷的回憶。
Kaohiung, a progressing harbor city, has mountains, rivers, lakes and harbor.The people living here are plain, diligent, and passionate. When visiting Kaohiung, You will be impressed with people’s hospitality and the diversified tour you experience. Kaohiung will definitely leave you an unforgettable memory.

Kaohiung city used to be called “Takau.” In 1661, the fifteenth year of Yongli, Ming Dynasty, Wannien Prefecture seat was set up in Pitouchieh, Hsinglungchuang (the current Old City of Zuoying). When Zheng Keshuang surrendered himself to Qing Dynasty, Wannien Prefecture was renamed as Fengshan County, of which the seat was still located in the Old City of Zuoying. Not until the thirteenth year of Emperor Qianlong was the seat of Fengshan County relocated to the current Fengshan City.
