2009年3月8日 星期日

Group Exercise 2 -- News


〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。

11 則留言:

Claudia 提到...

組長 李怡萱

Patriotic Bidder

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。
A Chinese says he is the buyer who placed the winning bid for two bronze relics of Gardens of Perfect Clarity at a Paris auction last week, but that he will not pay for them. Cai Mingchao is an adviser of a foundation which was enthusiastic at finding the historical relics that had been plundered back. On Monday, he declared that he bid each historical relic as $20,000,000 is an patriotic comportment.

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。
The Christie’s Auction House said, they had received the opinion of Mr. Cai Mingchao. For the policy, the company will not give their opinion on this incident and the winning bidder’s identity.

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。
When the Second Opium War ended in 1860,Beijing Imperial Summer Palace’s Garden’s of Perfect Clarity had be burned out and looted by the British-French Alliance. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac’s rare bronze foundation heads also had been pillaged, include the two of which auctioned in Paris by Christie’s.
Only five of them had given back to China.

Tiffany Chan 提到...

Group 2


〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中國男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍賣會上拍得兩件圓明園銅像的人,但是他不想為這兩件文物付款。蔡銘超是中國一個找回被掠奪文物基金會的顧問。他星期一在北京對記者說,他以每件文物兩千萬美元的投標價贏得拍賣是愛國行為。

佳士得拍賣公司(Christie’s Auction House)說,該公司已經得知蔡銘超的言論,但出於政策考慮,不會對買主的身份以及公司今後對此事採取得步驟發表評論。

第二次鴉片戰爭1860年結束時,英法聯軍燒毀並洗劫了北京皇家夏宮(Imperial Summer Palace)的圓明園,12件生肖獸首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍賣的那兩件。只有五件歸還了中國。

Bid the Heads, Not to Pay

(VOA / Paris)
A Chinese man admitted that he made the winning bids for the two imperial bronzes on auction at Christie's in Paris last week. However, he doesn’t want to pay. Tsai Ming-chao, an adviser of the China Culture Relics Protection Foundation, said to a reporter in Beijing on Monday that he bid 2 million dollars for each imperial bronze symbolizes patriotism.
Christie’s Auction House said they’ve known the statement of Tsai Ming-chao. Because of the policy consideration, they won’t take steps and comment on the identity of the buyer.
When The Second Opium War was over in 1860, Anglo-French Allied Force burned and looted Yuanmingyuan of The Imperial Summer Palace in Beijing. The twelve animal’s heads of Chinese Zodiac was also robbed including the two sold by Christie’s Auction House in Paris. Only five of them returned to China.

梁禕芸 提到...

第5組 組長 梁禕芸 1094302005

Bogus offers

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中國男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍賣上拍得兩件圓明園銅像的人,但是他不想為這兩件文物付款。蔡銘超是中國一個找回被掠奪文物基金會的顧問。他星期一在北京對記者說,他以每件文物兩千萬美元的投標價赢得拍賣是愛國行為。

By VOA News in Paris
A Chinese claimed that he was the one won the bids for the two imperial bronzes by the auction in Paris last week; however, he had no desire to pay for them.
Cai Mingchao, an adviser to China’s National Treasures Fund, had found the looted relics, and saying that it was an act of patriotism winning the bids by twenty million U.S. dollars for each relic.


Christie’s Auction House, where the two bronzes were auctioned, had said that they already received what Mr. Cai Mingchao clarified; however, they won’t take issue on the identity of the bidder in the future due to the consideration to the policy.


Including the two auctioned in Paris, the Chinese 12 zodiac statues, originally taken by British and French troops as they breakaging the Imperial Summer Palace towards the end of the Second Opium War in 1860. Only 5 had been returned to China.

tyler1748 提到...
tyler1748 提到...
tyler1748 提到...


E4B 陳泰宇 0911676758

F4A 劉妤恩
G4B 盧怡君
J4B 蔡姿靜
J4B 劉姵廷
E4D 康為鈞

Chinese Freeloader of Bronze Statues

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。
(Voice of America / Paris)
A Chinese man says he was the winner in the auction of two bronze statues of the Imperial Summer Palace in Paris last week;nevertheless,he didn’t want to pay.
Cai Ming-chao, an adviser of a foundation in China which looks for the looted antiques, told reporters on Monday in Beijing that he win a bid of $20 million for each antique was a patriotic behavior.

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。
The Christie’s Auction House said they’ve heard Cai Ming-chao’s speech,and from now on ,they would not comment on the buyer’s identity or its next steps on the basis of policy.

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。
When the Second Opium War was ended in 1860,the Imperial Summer Palace and Yuan Ming Yuan were burned down and looted by Allied Force of England and France.They also plundered the heads of 12 zodiac animals, two of them were sold in Paris.Only five have been returned to China.

Bessy Chang 提到...

cancelled bids

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中國男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍賣會上拍得兩件圓明園銅像的人,但是他不想為這兩件文物付款。蔡銘超是中國一個找回被掠奪文物基金會的顧問。他星期一在北京對記者說,他以每件文物兩千萬美元的投標價贏得拍賣是愛國行為。
A Chinese mentioned that he is the bidder who won two bronzes of Yuan Ming Yuan in Paris last week, but he has refused to pay for two artworks. Cai Mingchao is a collection advisor of National Treasures Fund. On Monday, He told the reporter in Beijing that he bid each artwork as $20,000,000 is an act of patriotism.
佳士得拍賣公司(Christie’s Auction House)說,該公司已經得知蔡銘超的言論,但出於政策考慮,不會對買主的身份以及公司今後對此事採取得步驟發表評論。
The Christie’s Auction House said that they had received the opinion from Cai Mingchao, however, they will not make any statement about the identity of the winning bidders and the complany's further action.

第二次鴉片戰爭1860年結束時,英法聯軍燒毀並洗劫了北京皇家夏宮(Imperial Summer Palace)的圓明園,12件生肖獸首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍賣的那兩件。只有五件歸還了中國。
When the Yuan Ming Yuan of Imperial Summer Palace was sacked and burnt by French and British armies during the Second Opium War, the animal heads were part of a collection of 12 also had been looted, include two bronzes artworks of auction in Paris, but only five were returned to China.

Bessy Chang 提到...

老師不好意思,Bessy Chang所發表的文章為第三組。

Lianne 提到...

Group 7
G4A 王立婷(組長)
G4A 李麗音
G4A 姜宛伶
G4A 尤宣淳
G4A 陳瑩
S4B 王俐婷

Chinese Bidder Will Not Pay for Looted Chinese Bronze Status

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。

A Chinese says he was the bidder who won the two bronze status for Gardens of Perfect Clarity at a Paris auction last week, but he doesn’t want to pay for them. Ming Chao Tsai is a councilor of a foundation finding the plundered historical relics.He declared to journalists in Beijing on Monday, having bidden 20 million dollars for winning each auction of relic was patriotic action.

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。

According to Christie’s Auction House, they have known the opinion of Mr.Tsai Mingchao. They are not going to make a statement about the buyer publicly beause of the policy.

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。

In 1860 the Second Opium War ended, the Gardens of Perfect Clarity of the Beijing Imperial Summer Palace was raped and burned by the British Empire and the Second French Empire. Twelve known bronze animal heads were also looted; those include a pair of bronze animal heads in the Yves Saint Laurent auction. Only five of the twelve bronze animal heads had been repatriated China.

Lianne 提到...

Group 7
G4A 王立婷(組長)
G4A 李麗音
G4A 姜宛伶
G4A 尤宣淳
G4A 陳瑩
S4B 王俐婷

Chinese Bidder Will Not Pay for Looted Chinese Bronze Status

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。

A Chinese says he was the bidder who won the two bronze status for Gardens of Perfect Clarity at a Paris auction last week, but he doesn’t want to pay for them. Ming Chao Tsai is a councilor of a foundation finding the plundered historical relics.He declared to journalists in Beijing on Monday, having bidden 20 million dollars for winning each auction of relic was patriotic action.

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。

According to Christie’s Auction House, they have known the opinion of Mr.Tsai Mingchao. They are not going to make a statement about the buyer publicly beause of the policy.

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。

In 1860 the Second Opium War ended, the Gardens of Perfect Clarity of the Beijing Imperial Summer Palace was raped and burned by the British Empire and the Second French Empire. Twelve known bronze animal heads were also looted; those include a pair of bronze animal heads in the Yves Saint Laurent auction. Only five of the twelve bronze animal heads had been repatriated China.

Mary Chang 提到...

仉政仁/Mary(group leader)

Chinese Bidder Will Not Pay for Looted Chinese Bronzes

〈美國之音 / 巴黎報導〉 一名中国男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍卖会上拍得两件圆明园铜像的人,但是他不想为这两件文物付款。蔡铭超是中国一个找回被掠夺文物基金会的顾问。他星期一在北京对记者说,他以每件文物两千万美元的投标价赢得拍卖是爱国行为。
(VOA News / reported in Paris) A Chinese man says he was the winning bidder for two bronze sculptures at a Paris auction last week, but he has no intention of paying for the items. Chai Ming Chao, an adviser to a foundation in China that seeks to retrieve looted treasures, told reporters in Beijing Monday that his winning bid of $20 million for each of the sculptures was a patriotic act.

佳士得拍卖公司(Christie’s Auction House)说,该公司已经得知蔡铭超的言论,但出于政策考虑,不会对买主的身份以及公司今后对此事采取得步骤发表评论。
Christie's auction house said that it was aware of Chai Min Chou's remarks, but as a matter of policy will not comment on the identity of the buyer or the next steps may take this case

第二次鸦片战争1860年结束时,英法联军烧毁并洗劫了北京皇家夏宫(Imperial Summer Palace)的的圆明园,12件生肖兽首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍卖的那两件。只有五件归还了中国。
The sculptures were among 12 zodiac animal heads taken and including two which were auction in Paris, when French and British troops razed and looted Beijing's imperial Summer Palace buildings in 1860 at the end of the second Opium War. Only five have been returned to China.